| 1. | It is the result of the policy of reforming and opening up , economic development , and manifestation of the development of chinese civil society 这既是中国改革开放、经济发展的结果,也是中国市民社会兴起的表现之一。 |
| 2. | Since the adoption of the policy of reform and opening up to the outside world in china , the high growth has been mainly obtained by means of high inputs 改革开放以来,我国的高经济增长率主要是通过高投入的办法获得的,就交通运输业而言也不例外。 |
| 3. | Since the implementation of the policy of reform and opening up to the outside world , international trade in china has been on a rise significantly 改革开放以来,我国的对外贸易发展迅速。但是在我国的对外贸易发展中地区间的差距十分显著,西部地区的对外贸易发展严重滞后。 |
| 4. | Since the adoption of the policy of reform and opening up , our domestic economy has developed at a high speed . the income of both urban and rural residents has increased to a great extent 改革开放以来,我国经济快速增长,城乡居民收入水平大幅度提高,但其差距也呈现出不断扩大的趋势。 |
| 5. | As early as the policy of reform and opening up was enforced , china established its law system on foreign direct investment to attract foreign capital 早在改革开放初期,我国就制定了以《中外合资经营企业法》 、 《中外合作经营企业法》和《外商独资企业法》为代表的外商直接投资法律体系,以吸引外商来华投资。 |
| 6. | Chinas economy has maintained a rapid growth since carrying out the policy of reform and opening up , the overall national strength , the social productive forces , and the peoples living standards have been getting up several steps 改革开放以来,国家经济保持了快速增长的态势,综合国力、社会生产力和人民生活水平都连续上了几个台阶。 |
| 7. | Ever since china adopeted the policy of reform and opening up , processing trade has been booming in china and gradually become its major means of foreign trade , playing an important role in promoting its economic growth 改革开放以来,加工贸易在我国不断发展壮大,逐渐成为我国对外贸易中的主导贸易方式,对拉动经济起到了重要作用。 |
| 8. | Ever since china adopeted the policy of reform and opening up , processing trade has been booming in china and gradually become its major means of foreign trade , playing an important role in promoting its economic growth 最佳改革开放以来,加工贸易在我国不断发展壮大,逐渐成为我国对外贸易中的主导贸易方式,对拉动经济起到了重要作用。 |
| 9. | Abstract : china ' s economy has maintained a rapid growth since carrying out the policy of reform and opening up , the overall national strength , the social productive forces , and the people ' s living standards have been getting up several steps 文摘:改革开放以来,国家经济保持了快速增长的态势,综合国力、社会生产力和人民生活水平都连续上了几个台阶。 |
| 10. | Money laundering crimes emerged relatively later in china , having not gone through transitional stage as in other countries . money laundering crimes developed along with other crimes when china began to carry out the policy of reforming and opening up to the outside world 由于受当时的经济、社会发展的制约,现行刑法目前还不成熟,尚有许多缺陷,本文中笔者试对洗钱罪的刑事立法缺陷进行探讨和研究。 |